Art History Lab

Exploring the Versatility and Symbolism of Khaki Color in Design

Khaki is a color that has been gaining more recognition in recent years. It is a versatile and timeless color that is not only associated with military use, but also with casual outdoor activities.

In this article, we will explore the origins of khaki color, its meaning and symbolism, personality traits associated with it, and some outdoor activities that use the color.

The Origins and Military Use of Khaki Color

Color Khaki and its Description

Khaki is derived from the Hindi word “khak,” which means “dust.” It is a light brown color that is often associated with a sandy or dusty terrain. Khaki color is usually a mix of beige, olive green, and brown.

The color is often used in military uniforms due to its ability to blend with the environment and provide camouflage.

Origins of Khaki Color and Military Use

The British Army first introduced khaki uniforms during the Second Anglo-Sikh War in 1848. The soldiers found it difficult to move around in their bright red uniforms, which made them noticeable to their enemy.

The British commander, William Stephen Raikes Hodson, decided to use the locally available khaki-colored fabric to create a new type of uniform that would blend in with the environment. Later, khaki uniforms were also used by other armies, including the United States Army during the Spanish-American War.

The Meaning and Symbolism of Khaki Color

Meaning of Khaki Color

Khaki color is often associated with outdoor activities and adventure. It is also considered to be a practical and reliable color that can withstand the rigors of the outdoors.

Khaki is also associated with intelligence and resourcefulness.

Personality Traits Associated with Khaki Color

People who prefer khaki colors are often practical and down-to-earth. They are also considered to be intelligent, resourceful, and reliable.

They love outdoor activities that involve exploring and discovering new places. These people are also confident and relaxed, making them easy-going and adaptable in any situation.

Outdoor Activities that Use Khaki Color

Khaki colors are often used in outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, fishing, and hunting. These activities require clothing that is durable, lightweight, and blends in with the environment.

Khaki-colored clothing is ideal for these activities as it is practical, reliable, and can withstand the rigors of the outdoors. A khaki-colored backpack is also ideal for outdoor activities as it can blend in with the environment and is often lightweight and durable.


In conclusion, khaki color is a versatile and timeless color that has been used in military and casual outdoor activities. Its light brown shade is often associated with sandy or dusty terrain, making it an ideal color for camouflage.

Khaki color is also associated with intelligence, resourcefulness, and practicality. People who prefer khaki colors are often relaxed, confident, and love outdoor activities.

Khaki-colored clothing and accessories are ideal for outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, fishing, and hunting, as they are durable, lightweight, and blend in with the environment.

Shades of Khaki Color

Shades of Khaki Color

Khaki color varies in terms of saturation, lightness, and hue, which gives a variety of shades to choose from. The most common shades of khaki color include light khaki, dark khaki, khaki green, vintage khaki, and Indian khaki.

Light khaki is a softer shade of khaki and has a high lightness value, while dark khaki has a lower lightness value and is a more muted greenish-brown. Khaki green is a warmer and olive toned version of traditional khaki, and vintage khaki has a slightly washed-out appearance that is reminiscent of old-fashioned military uniforms.

Indian khaki is a darker and richer version of khaki that has a red-brown base tone and is often paired with other earthy colors.

Hex Codes and RGB Codes for Different Shades of Khaki

Each shade of khaki has a specific hexadecimal code and RGB code which can be used to replicate a shade accurately across different media. Light khaki is identified with the hexadecimal code FAFAD2 and RGB code (250, 250, 210).

Dark Khaki is identified with the hexadecimal code BDB76B and RGB code (189, 183, 107). Khaki green is identified with the hexadecimal code #8F9779 and RGB code (143, 151, 121), while Vintage khaki is identified with the hexadecimal code #EEE6A5 and RGB code (238, 230, 165).

Indian khaki is identified with the hexadecimal code #C3B091 and RGB code (195, 176, 145). These codes can be used for design projects, web design, or any other media requiring color definitions.

Color Combinations with Khaki

Complementary Color Combinations

Complementary colors are located opposite each other on the color wheel and are known to create a high contrast when paired together. For khaki, the complementary color is a dark shade of red, such as burgundy.

When combined, khaki and burgundy create a stylish autumnal look that is perfect for cooler weather. Burgundy can be used as an accent color to draw out the richness of the khaki, or it can be used as a base color with khaki accents.

Analogous, Triadic, and Monochromatic Color Combinations

Analogous color combinations use colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel, creating a harmonious look. For a khaki-colored outfit, other warm, earthy tones such as olive green or burnt orange can be added to create a feeling of coziness and comfort.

Triadic color combinations use three colors that are equidistant from each other on the color wheel. A triadic color scheme for khaki could include burnt orange and turquoise.

These colors create a fresh and vibrant look, combining the earthy tones of khaki with a brighter pop of color. Monochromatic color combinations use different shades of the same color to create depth and contrast.

For khaki, a monochromatic scheme could include different shades of khaki such as light and dark khaki. This creates a sophisticated and polished look, perfect for business or formal occasions.


In conclusion, there are many shades of khaki color to choose from, ranging from light khaki to vintage khaki to Indian khaki. Each shade has specific hexadecimal and RGB codes that can be used to replicate the color accurately.

Khaki can be paired with complementary colors such as burgundy or used in analogous, triadic, or monochromatic color combinations to create different looks. With its versatility and timeless appeal, khaki remains a popular color option for fashion and design projects.

Using Khaki Color in Art and Design

Using Khaki Color in Art and Design

Khaki color is often used in art and design, both in traditional and digital mediums. The color can be created by mixing acrylic paints of yellow ochre, raw umber, and white, and can be adjusted by adding more of one or the other to achieve the desired shade.

In graphic design and web development, khaki color is used to create a warm, inviting color scheme that conveys a sense of calm and relaxation. In fashion, khaki is a popular color choice for casual wear that creates a trendy, effortless style.

Design Applications of Khaki Color

Khaki can be used in design applications across a variety of industries, including fashion, web design, and interior design. Khaki-colored clothing is versatile and can be paired with almost any color.

It is often used in casual wear to create a relaxed look that is still fashionable. In web and graphic design, khaki is often used for backgrounds, forms, and buttons.

The color creates a warm and inviting atmosphere, which is perfect for businesses that want to convey a friendly atmosphere. Interior designers often use khaki in their color palettes to create a natural and neutral tone that is both calming and welcoming.

Using Khaki Color in Interior Design

Using Khaki Color in Interior Design

Khaki color is a popular choice in interior design due to its natural and neutral quality. Lighter shades of khaki can create a bright and airy atmosphere, making it an ideal choice for living rooms, dining areas, and hallways.

On the other hand, darker shades of khaki can create a cozy and intimate atmosphere, making it a great choice for bedrooms, dens, and home offices. Khaki can also be used as a complementary color to accentuate other colors and textures in a room.

Adding Color to a Khaki Color Scheme

Adding pops of color to a khaki color scheme can create visual interest and depth in a room. Warm and earthy colors such as rust, burnt orange, and deep greens can complement khaki tones to create a comfortable and inviting space.

Cool colors like blues, purples, and grays also work well with khaki to create a serene and tranquil atmosphere. When using color in a khaki color scheme, it is important to balance them well to create a harmonious look.

Natural Elements in Khaki Color Schemes

With its natural and earthy quality, incorporating natural elements in a khaki color scheme can add texture and depth to a space. Materials such as wood, leather, rattan, and jute are perfect for adding an organic feel to a room.

Indoor plants in green or brown pots can also help bring a natural, organic feel to an otherwise neutral room design. When combined, these elements work together to create a warm, welcoming, and grounded atmosphere.


In conclusion, Khaki color is a popular choice in art and design due to its natural and neutral quality. It can be created by mixing different acrylic paints, making it easily customizable.

Khaki can be used in design applications across a variety of industries, including fashion, web design, and interior design. In interior design, khaki is often a go-to choice because of the wide range of different shades available.

When designing with khaki, it’s essential to consider the color schemes and the natural elements to create a comfortable, inviting, and grounded atmosphere.

Frequently Asked Questions about Khaki Color

FAQ about Khaki Color

Q1: What is the description of khaki color? A1: Khaki color is a light brown color that is often associated with a sandy or dusty terrain.

It is a versatile and timeless color that is commonly used in military uniforms as it provides camouflage. Q2: How can I create khaki color?

A2: Khaki color can be created by mixing acrylic paints of yellow ochre, raw umber, and white. The specific shade of khaki can be adjusted by adding more or less of each color to achieve the desired hue.

Q3: What are the different shades of khaki color? A3: Some common shades of khaki color include light khaki, dark khaki, khaki green, vintage khaki, and Indian khaki.

Light khaki is a softer, brighter shade, while dark khaki has more muted, greenish-brown tones. Khaki green has olive undertones, vintage khaki has a washed-out appearance, and Indian khaki has a red-brown base.

Colors that Go with Khaki and Shades of Khaki

Q1: What are some colors that go well with khaki? A1: Khaki is a neutral color, so it pairs well with many other colors.

Some popular options include burgundy, navy blue, olive green, burnt orange, and cream. These colors create a harmonious and balanced look when combined with khaki.

Q2: Are there different shades of khaki? A2: Yes, there are various shades of khaki.

Light khaki is a brighter and softer shade, while dark khaki is more muted and greenish-brown. Khaki green is a warm, olive-toned version of khaki, vintage khaki has a slightly washed-out appearance, and Indian khaki is a darker and richer version with a red-brown base.

Q3: How can I use different shades of khaki in my design? A3: Using different shades of khaki in your design can create depth and visual interest.

Pairing light and dark khaki tones can add contrast, while incorporating khaki green or vintage khaki can bring warmth and character to a space. Experimenting with different combinations and balancing them with other colors can create a well-rounded and visually appealing design.

Incorporating khaki color in various design projects offers countless possibilities, as it is a versatile and timeless hue. Whether it’s mixing paints to create the perfect shade of khaki, using colors that complement khaki, or incorporating different shades of khaki in design, the options are vast.

Understanding the description and different shades of khaki color helps in making informed design decisions and achieving the desired aesthetic appeal. With its natural and neutral qualities, khaki color continues to be a popular choice across various design industries.

In conclusion, the article has explored the various aspects of khaki color, from its origins and military use to its meaning and symbolism. We have discussed the different shades of khaki and their descriptions, as well as its applications in art, design, and interior design.

Furthermore, we have examined the colors that go well with khaki and the importance of incorporating natural elements. The versatility and timeless appeal of khaki make it a popular choice in various industries.

Whether it is for fashion, web design, or creating a warm and inviting living space, khaki color continues to be an excellent option. Understanding its nuances and potential combinations empowers individuals to make informed design decisions.

So, whether you’re looking to incorporate khaki into your wardrobe, website, or home decor, remember its rich history, diverse shades, and the endless possibilities it offers.

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