Art History Lab

Master the Art of Drawing Realistic Sheep in 14 Simple Steps

Sheep are one of the most adorable farm-yard animals as they are covered in fluffy wool. Drawing sheep is a fun and creative way to showcase their cuteness, and it’s a skill that everyone can master.

In this tutorial, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to draw a realistic sheep. Drawing sheep is important, as it is a useful skill for artists, farmers, and anyone who wants to unleash their creativity through art.

So, let’s get started!

1. Sheep as Cute Farm-Yard Animals

Sheep are adorable farm-yard animals that have been domesticated for thousands of years.

They are known for their soft and fluffy wool, which can be used for clothing, blankets, and more. Sheep are also great companions, and they can recognize their owner’s voice and smell.

Therefore, drawing sheep can be a fun and creative way to showcase their cuteness. Whether you’re an artist, farmer, or simply enjoy drawing, learning how to draw sheep can be useful in many ways.

2. Importance of Drawing Sheep

Drawing is an important skill that can help us express our creativity, emotions, and feelings.

It can also help us understand the world around us. Drawing sheep is important as it teaches us about the animal’s physical characteristics, such as their proportions and shapes.

This enables us to understand them better, and therefore, become more attached to them. Drawing sheep can also stimulate cognitive development, creativity and problem-solving abilities.

3. Steps to Draw a Realistic Sheep

3.1 Step 1 – Laying Down the Construction Lines

The first step in drawing a realistic sheep is to lay down the construction lines.

This involves drawing large oval shapes to outline the body of the sheep. The large oval shape outlines the body, while a smaller oval is used to outline the head.

The legs are also drawn using long and thin shapes. Once the construction lines have been laid out, the artist can begin to add more details to the sheep.

3.2 Step 2 – Outlining the Sheep’s Chest

After completing the construction lines, the artist can outline the sheep’s chest. This is done by drawing an oval shape, which will represent the chest area.

It’s essential to draw the oval shape in proportion to the rest of the body. The size of the chest will depend on the sheep’s breed, age, and sex.

Filling in the details of the sheep’s chest can also be used to add more depth to the drawing.


Drawing sheep can be a fun and creative activity that can be done by anyone. Drawing sheep helps us understand their physical characteristics, stimulating cognitive development, creativity and problem-solving abilities.

The steps outlined in this tutorial provide an easy-to-follow guide on how to draw a realistic sheep. With time and practice, anyone can perfect the skill of drawing sheep, and who knows?

Maybe you can even become a professional sheep artist!

3. Creating the Sheeps Head and Ears

Sketching the sheep’s head and ears is another important step in creating a realistic sheep.

With simple construction lines and proportionate shapes, the sheep’s head and ears can be created with ease. 3.1 Step 3 Drawing the Shape of the Head

Begin drawing the sheep’s head by creating a small oval shape that intersects the construction lines drawn previously for the body and neck.

Ensure the head’s size is proportionate to the rest of the body, not too small or large. Next, create a larger, curved oval shape below the smaller one to form the sheep’s neck.

The neck should be wider than the head, and the oval shape should connect to the body’s construction lines smoothly. Now start to add more detail to the head.

Draw a small rectangular shape extending from the back of the head to indicate the beginning of the ear. Then add the nose by sketching a small, triangular shape between the two ovals.

Finally, add the eyes by drawing two small circles on either side of the nose. 3.2 Step 4 Constructing the Ears

After outlining the head and nose, the ears are constructed for the sheep’s head.

Start by sketching a horizontal line that interconnects the construction lines earlier placed within the head. On each side of the head, draw a triangular shape slightly larger than the rectangular ear traced earlier.

Ensure the ear’s tip is pointed and positioned back, flowing harmoniously with the head’s curvature. Add details to the ear using small hatches to show the texture and add depth to the illustration.

4. Drawing the Sheeps Body and Legs

The sheeps body and legs are simple to draw once the head and ears have become ready.

The shape of the legs may vary slightly based on the position of a moving or standing sheep, but the general shape and proportions remain the same. 4.1 Step 5 Drawing the Shape of the Front Legs

Start drawing the front legs by sketching two parallel lines from the bodys construction lines.

Then create a rectangle connecting the parallel lines, matching in size proportionally to the rectangles adjacent leg. Sketch a small oval shape at the top of the rectangle where the front leg attaches to the body.

The oval shape acts as the joint and should extend downward with one straight line to represent the foot. Finally, the leg’s lower section should taper outward to show the curve of the sheep’s leg.

Use the construction lines as guides to keep the sheep’s legs proportionate. 4.2 Step 6 Creating the Shape of the Rump

Creating the shape of the rump involves drawing oval shapes similar to the body but in reverse order.

Draw an oval shape overlapping the body construction lines, almost directly above the front leg construction lines, to form the top part of the rump. The rump’s bottom section is formed by sketching another oval shape that continues down the bodyline, almost mirroring the top oval with a slightly larger size.

Make sure both oval shapes are proportionate to the rest of the sheep’s body.


Art is an excellent way to express creativity and imagination, and learning to draw animals is a great way to enhance your skills. Drawing a realistic sheep is easy and helps you to understand the sheep’s physical characteristics, which can stimulate your cognitive abilities.

Following the simple steps outlined above, anyone can create beautiful illustrations of sheep with proportionate shapes and construction lines. With practice and dedication, anyone can master the art of drawing sheep, and it can be a great way to develop your artistic abilities.

5. Finalizing the Sheeps Outline and Texture

The final steps in creating a realistic sheep drawing involve finalizing the outline by drawing the back legs and adding secondary details to the drawing, such as the wool texture.

5.1 Step 7 Drawing the Back Legs

After drawing the front legs, it’s time to sketch the back legs. Start by drawing two parallel lines extending from the rump oval shape, using the construction lines as a guide.

Then form a rectangle, which will be slightly larger than the front legs’ rectangle, combining the parallel lines’ ends. Add an oval joint at the top of the rectangle and sketch the foot with a straight line extending away from the rectangle, which should taper outward similar to the front leg.

The downward curve of the back legs calf should vary slightly from the front leg calf. 5.2 Step 8 Creating the Final Outline of the Sheep Drawing

After the final leg details have been added, it’s time to create the final outline of the sheep drawing.

Start erasing the construction lines used earlier in the tutorial to avoid any unnecessary overlapping lines in the final drawing. If necessary, use a reference image to ensure your sheep is proportioned correctly.

The final outline should be crisp, detailed, and ready for coloring. 6.

Adding Color and Highlights

Once the final outline is ready, its time to add color to the drawing. You can use colored pencils, markers, or digital software to color your drawing.

Here are the steps to add color to the sheep drawing

6.1 Step 9 Creating Realistic Texture

Firstly, add a wool texture to your sheep illustration. Start by creating a base with wavy lines, this will create texture and give the wool a fluffier appearance.

Then add the next coat of wool using a similar pattern of hatched lines, start at the bottom of the head or feet and then work your way upward towards the back of the sheeps body. Ensure the texture flows harmoniously, creating a natural appearance.

6.2 Step 10 Adding the First Coat of Coloring

Next, add a base layer of coloring. Start by coloring the sheep’s body using a light tan color, ensuring you leave white spaces between the wool that created a realistic texture look.

Then add the color to the rump oval shape, legs, and head. Try to keep the coloring uniform across the sheep’s body.

6.3 Step 11 Blending Colors

Once youve added the base color, add more detail by blending different shades of light brown, grey, and black to create realistic patches, which will add depth and dimension to the sheep drawing. Start with the furthest point from the light source or darkest spot, such as the hooves or eyes rim, and draw the darkest patches.

Then blend with lighter shades, this will create a realistic shadow effect. Add smaller details, such as the nose, to enhance the sheep’s appearance.


Drawing a realistic sheep is a creative activity that can bring joy and satisfaction to your artistic pursuits. Following the simple steps explained in this tutorial, you can gain the ability to draw sheep with proportion and texture.

Adding color to the sheep sketch enhances the depth and dimension of the drawing. The key to drawing a realistic sheep is to take your time and start simple.

Once youve mastered the sheep drawing, you can move to drawing more complex animals. With practice, patience, and skill, anyone can create beautiful and realistic sheep art.

7. Finishing Touches and Final Details

The final steps in creating a realistic sheep drawing involve adding color to the remaining body parts, adding highlights for shading and depth, and removing outlines for a polished look.

These finishing touches will enhance the realism and overall appearance of your sheep drawing. 7.1 Step 12 – Coloring the Remaining Body Parts

After adding the base color to the sheep’s body, it’s time to color the remaining body parts, such as the head, legs, and hooves.

For the head, use a slightly darker shade of the base color to create a distinction between the body and head. Add shading and slight variations in color to capture the contours and details of the sheep’s face.

Be careful not to overdo the shading, as it should be subtle and natural-looking. When coloring the legs, use a darker shade of gray to represent the wool.

This darker shade will create a contrast against the lighter body color and add depth to the drawing. With delicate strokes, fill in the legs, keeping in mind the direction of the wool texture.

For the hooves, use a dark gray or black color to indicate their solid structure. Ensure that the hooves are defined but not overpowering in the overall composition.

7.2 Step 13 – Adding Highlights to the Sheep Drawing

Highlights are essential for adding depth and dimension to your sheep drawing. They create the illusion of light hitting certain areas and can make your drawing more realistic.

Start by identifying the primary light source in your drawing, which will determine where the highlights should be placed. Typically, highlights are added to the areas that catch the most light, such as the top of the sheep’s head and body.

Using a white or light gray pencil or marker, lightly add highlights to these areas. Take note of the wool texture you’ve created and follow the contours and direction of the fur when applying the highlights.

The highlights should be subtle and not overpowering. Remember to blend them with the surrounding colors to create a smooth transition between light and dark areas.

7.3 Step 14 – Removing Outlines and Final Details

To give your drawing a polished look, it’s time to remove any remaining outlines and add final details. Using an eraser, carefully remove any leftover construction lines or pencil outlines from your drawing.

Be cautious not to smudge or erase any of the coloring or shading. This step will give your drawing a clean and professional appearance.

For the final details, use a tan shade or a light brown pencil or marker to add texture and depth to the sheep’s fur. With quick, short strokes, create fur lines that follow the direction of the wool texture.

This will add realism to the sheep’s coat. Pay attention to areas where light and shadow create variations in color and shading.

Use your reference image, if needed, to guide you in adding final details that make your sheep drawing come to life.


Drawing a realistic sheep requires attention to detail and technique. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can create a beautiful and lifelike representation of a sheep.

The finishing touches, such as adding color to the remaining body parts, applying highlights for shading and depth, and removing outlines, bring the drawing to its final form. Take your time and be patient with each step, paying attention to the texture and direction of the wool.

With practice and dedication, you can master the art of drawing realistic sheep and apply these techniques to other animal illustrations as well. Happy drawing!

In conclusion, this article has provided a step-by-step tutorial on how to draw a realistic sheep, emphasizing the importance of this skill for artists, farmers, and anyone looking to express their creativity.

We began by introducing sheep as cute farmyard animals and highlighting the significance of capturing their cuteness through drawing. The steps covered in detail include laying down construction lines, outlining the sheep’s chest, creating the head and ears, drawing the body and legs, and adding color and highlights.

The final touches involve removing outlines and adding final details to enhance the realism of the drawing. By following these steps and practicing, anyone can master the art of drawing realistic sheep.

So grab your pencil, let your creativity flow, and unleash your inner artist!

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