Art History Lab

Uncovering the Intricacies: A Journey into the World of Tempera Paint

Painting is a form of expression that has evolved over time, giving us a wide range of choices when it comes to selecting the right paint for our artworks. Amongst these options is tempera paint, a medium that has been used for centuries but is little-known compared to oil, acrylic, and watercolor paints.

In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about tempera paint, from its historical background to its composition and characteristics. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of this unique paint and be able to decide if it might be the right choice for your next work of art.

Perception and Uses of Tempera Paint

Tempera paint is a popular choice amongst artists because of its unique properties. It is often seen as a paint for children due to its washable nature, but it is also an excellent choice for more professional works of art.

Tempera paint can be used on a variety of surfaces, such as canvas, wood, paper, and cardboard, and the colors stay vibrant even after drying. Tempera paint is often compared to oils, acrylics, and watercolors, but it has its own unique advantages.

It is a water-based paint, which means it dries quickly and is easy to clean up. It can also be layered, much like oils, but it will not yellow over time and doesn’t require solvents like other paints.

Historical Background of Tempera Paint

Tempera paint has been around for centuries and has a rich historical background. It was used extensively during the Byzantine era, where it was used in religious artworks to create intricate and detailed pieces.

Some of the most famous paintings of the era, such as Giotto’s frescoes and Duccio di Buoninsegna’s Maest, were created using tempera paint. During the Renaissance period, tempera paint continued to be used alongside oils.

Many famous artists, including Botticelli and Da Vinci, used egg tempera paint in their works. Egg tempera paint is made from a combination of egg yolk and powdered pigment and can be applied in thin layers to create detailed and intricate artwork.

Composition and Characteristics of Tempera Paint

Traditional Composition of Egg Tempera Paint

Egg tempera paint is made using a combination of egg yolk and distilled water. The egg yolk acts as a binding agent for the pigment, creating a paint that can be applied in thin layers.

To create egg tempera paint, first mix the powdered pigment with water until it forms a paste. Then, combine the egg yolk with linseed oil and distilled water and mix well.

Finally, mix in the pigment paste, and the paint is ready to use.

Modern Composition of Commercial Tempera Paint

Modern tempera paint has evolved to meet the demands of contemporary times. Commercial tempera paint now uses non-toxic pigments, preservatives, calcium carbonate, cellulose, and water.

The use of these non-toxic materials makes tempera paint an excellent choice for artists who work with children or are concerned about their health. Modern tempera paint also comes in a wide range of colors, making it ideal for children’s artwork and other fun projects.


In conclusion, tempera paint is a versatile and unique medium that has been around for centuries. Although it’s often seen as a paint for children, it has a rich history and has been used by famous artists throughout the centuries to create intricate and detailed artwork.

Its composition and characteristics have evolved over time, and now modern tempera paint is an excellent choice for artists of all levels. We hope you’ve learned something new about tempera paint and consider using it in your next work of art.

Applications and Surfaces for Tempera Paint

Tempera paint has been used for centuries to create some of the most famous and beautiful artworks in history. From the intricate religious paintings of the Byzantine era to modern-day children’s artwork, tempera paint has made a significant contribution to the world of art.

Historical and Famous Artworks in Tempera Paint

Some of the most famous paintings in history were created using tempera paint. One such example is Sandro Botticelli’s Birth of Venus.

This painting was created using a combination of tempera and gold leaf on canvas, which adds to its unique beauty. Another famous work of art created using egg tempera is Madonna and Child by Duccio di Buoninsegna.

This beautiful painting features intricate details and a vibrant color scheme. In addition to these more well-known pieces, tempera paint has also been used in lesser-known but still impressive works of art.

For example, the Sleeping Peasants painting by French artist Jean-Francois Millet was created using tempera paint and is known for its unique lighting effects and lifelike details.

Suitable Surfaces for Tempera Paint

Tempera paint can be used on a variety of surfaces, making it an excellent choice for multiple art projects. The most common surfaces for using tempera paint include paper, cardboard, poster board, and papier-mache.

These surfaces are ideal for creating children’s artwork or other projects that require a washable water-based paint. Tempera paint can also be used on more unconventional surfaces like window glass, wood, fabric, and even canvas.

When using tempera paint on these surfaces, it’s essential to ensure that you’ve prepared the surface correctly and that the paint will adhere. Canvas, for example, may require a coating of a primer before painting to maintain the longevity of the artwork.

Comparison of Tempera Paint and Acrylic Paint

Both tempera paint and acrylic paint are water-based paints but have some significant differences in their properties and applications. Understanding these differences is crucial when deciding which paint medium to use for a specific project.

Properties and Differences between Tempera Paint and Acrylic Paint

One of the most significant differences between tempera paint and acrylic paint is their lightfastness and permanence. Tempera paint is known for its ability to remain vibrant and bright over time, while acrylic paint tends to fade and become less bright.

Acrylic paint, however, is known for its ability to bond strongly to surfaces, making it ideal for creating highly durable artworks. Another essential difference between these two paints is their water-solubility.

Tempera paint is water-soluble, which means it can be easily washed off surfaces. This makes it an ideal choice for children’s art projects.

In contrast, acrylic paint is much more challenging to wash off once it has dried. Tempera paint is also known for its unique ability to be layered, much like oils.

This makes it ideal for creating detailed and intricate works of art that require multiple layers. Acrylic paint, on the other hand, dries quickly, making it more challenging to layer and blend.

Recommended Surfaces for Tempera Paint and Acrylic Paint

The most common surfaces for using acrylic paint are canvas, wood, paper, and cardboard. These surfaces are ideal for acrylic paint because they allow for smooth blending, layering, and detailed work.

Surfaces like glass and plastic, however, are usually not recommended for use with acrylic paint as they don’t adhere well. Tempera paint, as previously mentioned, can be used on a wide range of surfaces, including paper, cardboard, wood, and canvas.

However, it’s important to note that surfaces like plastic and metal may not be suitable for tempera paint as it may not adhere well. Overall, understanding the surfaces and applications of both tempera paint and acrylic paint is crucial when deciding which medium to use for a specific project.

Each paint medium has its own unique properties, and by understanding these differences, we can create breathtaking artworks that last a lifetime. In


Tempera paint is a unique medium that has been used for centuries to create some of the most beautiful and intricate artworks in history.

It has a rich historical background and has been used by famous artists like Botticelli and Da Vinci. Tempera paint can be used on a variety of surfaces, making it ideal for children’s artwork and other fun projects.

Understanding the differences between tempera paint and acrylic paint is also essential when selecting the right medium for your work of art. By considering these differences, you can create stunning pieces that stand the test of time.

How to Use Tempera Paint

Tempera paint is a versatile and easy-to-use medium that can be used by artists of all levels. It’s an excellent choice for children’s art projects and other fun and creative activities.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to using tempera paint.

Tools and Materials Needed for Using Tempera Paint

The tools and materials needed for using tempera paint are relatively simple and can be easily found at any art supply store. You will need tempera paint, water, a pencil, paintbrushes, a plate, and a choice of surface to paint on.

Once you have all the materials, you’re ready to start painting.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Tempera Paint

1. Plan Your Design: Begin by planning your design using a pencil.

This step is essential, especially for beginners, as it will help you visualize your artwork and prevent mistakes. 2.

Mix Your Paints: Next, mix your paints on a plate. Tempera paint can be easily mixed with water, making it easy to create different shades of colors.

Be sure to mix your paints thoroughly to get the desired color.


Apply the Paint: Once you’ve mixed your paints, you’re ready to start applying the paint to your surface. Use paintbrushes and apply the paint in thin layers.

As tempera paint dries quickly, it’s best to work quickly to avoid any uneven drying. 4.

Let the Painting Dry: Once you’ve finished painting, let your artwork dry completely. Tempera paint dries quickly, so you won’t have to wait long.

5. Finish Your Painting: Once your artwork has dried, add details or any final touches to your painting.

You can also use other media, such as markers or colored pencils, to add additional details.

Making Egg Tempera Paint

Egg tempera paint has a unique texture and consistency that makes it ideal for painting detailed and intricate artworks. The process of making egg tempera paint may seem complicated, but it’s relatively simple, and it’s something every artist should try at least once.

Process and Ingredients for

Making Egg Tempera Paint

To make egg tempera paint, you will need an egg, distilled water, denatured alcohol, and small bowls. Begin by separating the yolk from the egg white.

Then, add a small amount of distilled water to the yolk and mix until it becomes a smooth and creamy texture. Next, add denatured alcohol to the mixture to prevent the egg yolk from spoiling.

Finally, add powdered pigment to the mixture, using a palette knife to mix the pigment thoroughly. The resulting paint will be smooth and have a soft, velvet-like texture.

Considerations and Limitations of Egg Tempera Paint

While egg tempera paint has many unique advantages, it also has some limitations and considerations to take into account. One of the most significant limitations of egg tempera paint is its difficulty in storing and preserving.

Since egg yolk is a perishable substance, egg tempera paint should be used within a few days of preparation. Also, egg tempera paint may require fixatives or varnishes for added permanence and preservation.



Tempera paint is an excellent choice for artists looking for a versatile and easy-to-use medium. With just a few basic tools and materials, you can create beautiful works of art that last a lifetime.

Making egg tempera paint may seem intimidating, but it’s a fun and rewarding process that every artist should try. By understanding the process of making egg tempera paint, as well as its advantages and limitations, you’ll be able to create unique and stunning works of art that stand the test of time.

Frequently Asked Questions about Tempera Paint

Tempera paint is a popular medium used by artists around the world. As with any artistic medium, there are often questions that arise.

In this section, we will address some frequently asked questions about tempera paint, covering topics such as toxicity, washability, availability, and usage of egg tempera paint.

Toxicity and Washability of Tempera Paint

One common concern when using any type of paint, especially for children’s artwork, is its toxicity. Tempera paint is known for being one of the least toxic paints available on the market.

Unlike oil or acrylic paints, which can contain harmful chemicals, tempera paint is primarily made from non-toxic pigments and water-based binders. It is considered safe for children to use and is often recommended for educational settings.

Another advantage of tempera paint, especially for children’s artwork, is its washability. Tempera paint is easily washable with soap and water, making it ideal for messy art projects.

This washability allows for easy clean-up, both for the artist and for parents or teachers.

Availability and Usage of Egg Tempera Paint

Egg tempera paint, while less commonly used than other types of tempera paint, has its own unique advantages and qualities. One frequently asked question is, “Can you buy egg tempera paint, or do you have to make it?” The answer is that you can find commercially available egg tempera paint from select art supply stores.

However, due to its limited popularity, it may not be as readily available as other types of paints. Some artists choose to make their own egg tempera paint for a more authentic and personalized experience.

Making egg tempera paint involves a simple process of separating the egg yolk, mixing it with water, and adding powdered pigment. This handmade paint has a unique texture and a historical connection that can add depth and character to your artwork.

It is often used by artists who enjoy the traditional and intricate style of painting associated with egg tempera. When it comes to using egg tempera paint, it is essential to consider the surface and materials that are compatible with this medium.

Egg tempera works best on surfaces such as wood, gessoed panels, or rigid surfaces that have been prepared to receive the paint. The absorbent nature of the surface allows the paint to adhere properly and achieve the desired effect.

In terms of usage, egg tempera paint offers an unmatched ability to create detailed and intricate artwork. Its matte finish and unique texture create a different visual experience compared to other types of paint.

Artists who enjoy working in layers and building up fine details often favor egg tempera paint. However, it requires a certain level of skill and patience to work with, as the paint dries quickly and may not be as forgiving as other paint mediums.



Tempera paint is a versatile and accessible medium, often chosen for its non-toxicity and washability. It is safe for children to use and is readily available at most art supply stores.

Those interested in exploring the historical and traditional side of tempera painting may also consider using egg tempera. While commercially available egg tempera paint may be limited, artists can easily make their own using simple ingredients.

The choice of surface and the artist’s skill level play a significant role in successfully using egg tempera paint. Whether you choose traditional tempera paint or explore the unique qualities of egg tempera, both mediums offer a fantastic range of possibilities for artistic expression.

In conclusion, tempera paint is a versatile and accessible medium with a rich historical background. It is used by artists of all levels, from children creating playful artworks to professionals creating intricate and detailed pieces.

Tempera paint is non-toxic and washable, making it safe for use, especially in educational settings. Egg tempera paint, although less commonly used, offers a unique texture and the opportunity to create authentic and personalized artwork.

Whether using commercially available tempera paint or making your own egg tempera paint, these mediums provide a range of possibilities for artistic expression. So, next time you pick up a paintbrush, consider exploring the world of tempera paint and unleash your creativity with this remarkable medium.

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